Early in my training, one of greatest teachers said this:
Supporting humans in their growth and development comes down to three key things.
If you do your job well, you won’t always be needed.
If you’ve done your job well, each time your client finds themself at their growing edge, they will remember they can leverage you as a thought partner.
Be ok with upsetting people. The truth is sometimes hard to hear and it is always the greatest act of love to speak.
Growth is cyclical. Healing is cyclical. Regardless of what therapy, medicine or modality — my role is to help people move through cycles of healing and growth with greater ease and a sense of alignment and grace. I am there as a sounding board, thought partner, and for unbiased feedback and support.
Neuroscience has shown us that human behavior and habits can be sticky things to change. It takes time, accountability, and any and all mechanisms for increasing our neural elasticity. What this means is that while it may be easy to accomplish a lot in a single session, consistent work in intervals expanded through periods of growth and change tend to translate into more lasting, transformative results.
Whether a client is coming to me for professional guidance, emotional support, trauma recovery or simply a more clear and balanced sense of self and life – I always recommend we collaborate to define a structure and plan that is tailored to meet the needs of that person or situation. My process is tailored to each individual/situation that arrives and draws holistically from all my training and experience.
At the core of my practice, I hold the belief that I am here to support people in accessing their own inner healer. I am here to help, not rescue or save. I am here to witness the pain without looking away. I am open to knowing that healing requires rupture and repair and that we live in a time where this landscape and language of repair is in great need of cultivation. This prayer is the anchor for all my work.